This project aims to identify the cause and effect relationships within the posts shared by people.


Amazon Mechanical Turk was going to be used to do this task. Before publishing the tasks for workers to do, we needed to be sure about the qualifications of the workers. Therefore, a training platform was developed as a single task for MTurk. Workers would answer some questions related to causal relationship on this training platform. Workers who successfully completed the tasks on the training platform would have access to the actual tasks on the MTurk.


  • Designed and developed the online training platform
  • Documented project description and design reports
  • Deployed the app to Heroku


  • Web Development (Grails, Groovy, MySQL, IntelliJ IDEA)
  • Prototyping (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP)
  • UI Design (Wireframes-Balsamiq)
  • Project Management (Trello, Git)